Best and Effective Bait for Rat Traps

Rats are small animals where most of us considered them as nothing but pest because they often cause damages inside your house. Other than that, wastes produced by rats are toxic to your health especially when their urine got mixed into your drinking water supply.

In most cases, rats tends to tear various objects that they can grab and interesting enough to grind it with their sharp teeth. If they managed to get into your closet then you have to expect that your valuable clothes may no longer be useable.

Thus, the presence of rats inside your house must be dealt immediately because they can actually grow fast in numbers. Dealing with these pest is simple where you just need to learn how to properly layout a “rat trap” with the proper bait.

There are many different rat traps that are readily available in the market today. They come in different forms and styles with unique way of ingeniously catching the prey. So before you can use them, you must read the user’s manual to know how to properly set it up.

Rat Trap

If you have been setting up your trap correctly but the rats don’t seem to fall into it then this has probably nothing to do with the trap but with the bait. The bait is actually the most common error by majority of individuals about why the rats seem to cleverly ignore their trap.

There are two reasons why the rats avoid your trap. First, they simply do not like or they do not have interest in the bait that you used. And second, rats possess a strong sense of smell. They can literally smell your scent when you handled the traps and so as the bait.

Being aware of the human scent present on the trap, the rats already knew that something is fishy and they will avoid taking the bait.

In order not leave scents into the trap including bait, it is highly advisable that you should wear plastic or rubber gloves before you even start setting up everything.

How to Choose the Perfect Bait to Use?

The bait that you are going to use for trapping the rats around your house must be a type of food that they won’t be able to resist. Such foods are those that possess strong scents of smell because it can attract the rats even if they are several meters away from the trap.

Here are the following list of foods that I used and have success in catching rats;

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter

One of the best and effective bait that I commonly use is a peanut butter. It is actually in the form of food paste where it is often used as butter for breads and cookies.

The reason why it is an effective bait for rats is that, it has a strong scent and it tastes very sweet.

To use it as a bait into your rat trap, use a spoon to scoop an amount of peanut butter then directly apply it on the trigger part of the trap. You may also want to use a cookie. Put some amount of peanut butter on the top side of the cookie then place it on your trap’s trigger portion.



Bacon is a processed meat product that came from the pigs which is heavily treated with large quantities of salt serving as its preservatives. You have to know that rats are “omnivore” creatures which means that they are both “carnivore and herbivore”.

Based on my actual experiences of using bacon as a bait on my rat trap, I noticed that once they got a taste of it, they won’t be able to resist for more. This is the reason why I often scattered small pieces of bacons around my rat trap to entice their taste. So when they want more, they will surely be attracted to the actual bait of the trap.



Chocolates are super sweet type of food and they have strong scent which makes them quite effective at attracting rats as a bait.

I have been using chocolates as a bait for a very long time which allowed me to capture a lot of rats with ease. However, chocolates can also attract ants.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are also effective baits for rats that you can use on your trap. There are so many fruits and vegetables available that you can choose from but there are only few of them that I have tried. But in my opinion, majority of them does work effectively.



If you have already watched some children cartoon show that involves rats as characters, they are commonly portrayed where cheese is their most favorite type of food to eat. In reality, rats do not really like cheese pretty much. In fact, they prefer sweets over cheese.

I know that cheese shouldn’t be on this list but I simply want you to know about it for you to avoid wasting your time on this misconception.

Do Not Use Rat Poisons for Bait

Rat Poison

Rat poisons comes in the form of baits or needs to be mixed with the baits. But, the reason why I do not recommend using rat poisons is that they are quite deadly not just for the rats but for everyone including you.

Upon ingesting the poison, rats tends to survive for a few minutes. The worse thing that you do not want to happen is that, the rats will take a final tour around the places where you store your things that you commonly use. One example is in your kitchen.

Just try to imagine yourself the poisoned rat running around your kitchen spreading contamination to your plates or any of your kitchen-wares that are lying around. Now, when you got up early in the morning then use those plates, we can say that the rat had its revenge.

You can only use poisons on rat infested places with no people staying around. If it happens that a certain individual wants to go into that place, you have to inform about the rat poisons you used. You have to know that there are some individuals who has the habit of sniffing or tasting things around to satisfy their curiosity.

Take note: Rat poisons when taken internally by humans can result to immediately death.


There are several species of rats and they have different type of tastes. So knowing what kind of specie you are dealing with, you already have an advantage about the best bait that you are going to use on your trap.

If you do not have any idea then I suggest using peanut butter or dried fruit. These foods seems to be an irresistible bait for any kinds of rats.