Best Homemade Bait for Rat Traps

Rats are a common household pest that can cause damage to your home and spread disease. One of the most effective ways to get rid of them is by using rat traps. However, the success of a rat trap largely depends on the type of bait that is used. 

Homemade bait can be a great option for those who want to avoid chemicals or save money on store-bought options. In this post, we'll be sharing some of the best homemade bait options for rat traps. 

Peanut Butter 

Peanut butter is one of the most popular bait options for rat traps. Rats are attracted to the high fat and protein content of peanut butter, and the sticky texture makes it difficult for them to remove it from the trap without setting it off. 

When using peanut butter as bait, it's important to apply it in a way that will keep it on the trap. 

Here are some tips: 

- Use a small amount of peanut butter (about the size of a pea) 
- Spread the peanut butter on a small piece of cardboard or plastic 
- Place the cardboard/plastic on the trap so that the peanut butter is in the center of the trap 

It's also important to note that other nut butters can work as bait as well. Almond butter, for example, has a similar texture to peanut butter and can be just as effective. 


Cheese is a classic option for mouse and rat traps. However, not all types of cheese work equally well. Soft cheeses (like brie or camembert) may not be as effective because they are more difficult to attach to the trap. Instead, hard cheeses like cheddar or gouda are better options. 

When using cheese as bait, it's important to prevent it from falling off the trap. 

Here are some tips: 

- Cut a small piece of cheese (about the size of a pea) 
- Use a toothpick to skewer the cheese and attach it to the trap 
- Place the cheese in the center of the trap 


Bacon is another tempting option for rats, thanks to its high fat content and strong smell. Raw bacon may be more effective than cooked bacon because it has a stronger odor. 

When using bacon as bait, it's important to place it in a way that will keep it on the trap. 

Here are some tips: 

- Use a small piece of bacon (about the size of a pea) 
- Wrap the bacon around the trap so that it's secured in place 
- Place the bacon in the center of the trap 

Other types of meat, like ham or sausage, can also be effective bait options. 

Other Homemade Bait Options 

While peanut butter, cheese, and bacon are some of the most popular homemade bait options for rat traps, there are many other options to consider as well. 

Here are a few: 


Oatmeal is a great option because it's dry and won't leave a mess on the trap. Mix it with a small amount of honey or syrup to make it more appealing to rats. 

Dried fruit

Raisins or dried cranberries can work well as bait, thanks to their sweet smell and chewy texture. 


Birdseed is another option to consider, especially if you have birds in your backyard. Mix it with a small amount of peanut butter to make it stick to the trap. 

When using alternative bait options, it's important to use a small amount (about the size of a pea) and place it in the center of the trap. You may need to experiment with different types of bait to see what works best for your situation. 

Final Words 

Using the right bait is essential for getting rid of rats with traps. Homemade bait can be a great option for those who want to avoid chemicals or save money on store-bought options. 

Remember to use a small amount of bait (about the size of a pea) and place it in the center of the trap to maximize effectiveness. 

And always remember to use rat traps safely and responsibly, keeping them out of reach of children and pets. With the right bait and proper use, rat traps can be an effective way to get rid of these pesky rodents.